Housekeeping Job Training

If you are: Looking for a Housekeeping Training similar to TESDA (Housekeeping NC II) for local employment, or if you are looking for training for your housekeeping job staff, you are in the right place! CMDA Cleaning Academy provides Housekeeping Training fundamentally based on TESDA Housekeeping NC II course as well as ASEAN-William Angliss Institute program on “Providing Housekeeping Services to Guests”.
CMDA Cleaning Academy can also customize Training on Housekeeping Jobs according to your company’s needs. Ranging from Basic Sanitation and Cleaning to Disinfection and Infectious Disease Management.
Here are the reasons why you need to choose our course:
Flexibility in Housekeeping Job Training
Our training programs are not limited to time and space. We carry out courses online and on-site with participants ranging from 5 to 200 people. Choose between or mix and match courses according to your company’s needs:- Basic Housekeeping / Cleaning
- Specialized Cleaning (example: Carpet shampoo)
- Disinfection and Infectious Control Management
- Cleaning Supplies Inventory and Management
- Housekeeping Staff Management
- Customized Office Cleaning
- Residential Cleaning
- Hotel and Resort Housekeeping

CMDA Cleaning Academy advocates for sustainable practices regardless of industry. All our programs are designed to ensure sustainable housekeeping practices that your company can use for years, even when your housekeeping staff change or new cleaning products and equipment arrive.
Aside from the slide presentations we provide, we recommend and can help create training manuals and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for your housekeeping to ensure that Housekeeping Jobs are carried out by old and new employees.

Value for Your Money
The quality of training that CMDA Cleaning Academy provides delivers real world results – reduced backjobs, economic use of cleaning supplies, optimized cleaning times, and consistent cleaning performances. One of our training principles is exceeding expectations. We deliver the best training your housekeeping team can get so they can deliver the best housekeeping cleaning your company can experience.
One we take pride on is the readiness of companies that we have worked with before the COVID-19 pandemic arrived. They were prepared prior to the lockdowns that occured, and up to this day, they have survived and thrived, operating in compliance with company and government policies. We provide training solutions to current and future housekeeping problems.

All our programs are backed by 10 years of Housekeeping and Cleaning experience. We provide direct and translated Housekeeping NC II programs to cater varying needs of companies. Our facilitators are also Cleaning Masterclass graduates from the United Kingdom.
CMDA Cleaning Academy has provided Housekeeping training to Government agencies, BPO companies, Fortune 500 companies and even other cleaning service companies! Here are some of our other accreditations:
- PhiGEPS accredited
- Philippine Port Authority accredited

Handling a Housekeeping Job Training shouldn’t be an arduous task for anyone (not even your HR!) if proper planning is made. Most of all, remember why you are searching for housekeeping training in the first place:
- Make your office more productive
- Help make your employees healthy and safe in the office
- Encourage a cleaner and safer workplace
- Protect and restore company assets
- Align the office environment with the company’s mission and vision